Wednesday, January 30, 2013

comfort zone

Welcome to my blog, trains & stop signs. The title came from me thinking about how in life we have these moments when God will ask us to move and then sometimes He will ask us to stop. The thing is…will we listen and obey what He tells us to do?  In my blog I hope to share with you my perspective about the trains & stop signs in life and how God is entwined in everything that involves us.

According to the Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary “comfortable” means the following: enjoying contentment and security, enjoying physical comfort, free from vexation or doubt, free from stress or tension.

The last few months I have had a steady routine and now God is telling me it’s time for my comfort level to change. Tomorrow I will be in a new city, new state; I will be a student again. All I know is, God planned for me to attend Bible School in Florida, this year. I don’t question it at all, because I know I’m on my “train” I’m going somewhere, to a place that GOD wants me to go. Life is again taking me somewhere and Bible School is my destination.

Young Adult Section: Blaze

This section is called Blaze because I want to have a section for my youth and young adults about how to live a life that glorifies God. My young friends, all I have for you this month is…Be yourself. Please don’t allow this world to tell you who you are suppose to be. If you don’t know who you are, ask GOD and no one else.

My Prayer 

Lord, thank you for another day of life. Thank you for another day to forgive, to grow, to love, to laugh, and to learn from you. Lord, it’s the beginning of a new year and many of us are thinking of ways we want this year to be different than the 2012. Lord, I’m asking that we listen and obey you more this year. I’m asking that we all get to know you more this year. I’m asking that we not think about 2012 at all, my prayer is that we look ahead and know that you are with us every step we take, even if we have to take those steps with shaking legs. Give us courage this year Lord, to do the things you have asked us to. In your name, Jesus. Amen.
love, peace, and courage