Tuesday, July 30, 2013

not alone

This is what I learned from God this month:

1)     He loves me more than I could ever humanly imagine.

2)    Sometimes He wants me to be totally alone so that He can talk to me, one on one. (ie. He takes out any distractions in my life.)

3)    He will bring people into my life that will help me fulfill the purpose He has given me. His timing is perfect and I no longer question it.

4)    The more I learn about God, the more I learn about myself.


Young Adult Section: Blaze

 Sometimes your friends and family may not understand you and your faith. Keep on keeping on. God is with you. You are not alone.

My Prayer 

 Lord, I thank you for today. Lord, thank you for each person that has received this email. Lord, thank you for giving me this assignment to share with others. Lord, sometimes in life we feel alone. We feel like we are breathing, but not living and everything gets dull. Lord help us to live the rich life that you have planned for each of us. We love you so much Lord. Thank you for always being there.

In Jesus name, Amen.


love, peace, and courage