Monday, July 7, 2014


I know I’m always talking about dreams and going after them. It’s because, well I’m a dreamer. A  dreamer who has experienced many of my dreams coming true. I guess I never want you to give up on yours. Some dreams seem like they happen in seconds, some take many years, and others well, they may take a lifetime. We all have a tug on our heart to pursue some kind of dream…our specific purpose in this life. I know what mine is and it looks me square in the mirror every time. So today, I wanted to share with you a short list of things you can try as you pursue your dreams. Let me know how it goes!!! 

1) Believe (Believe down in your gut in your dream and in yourself)

2) Pray (Pray from A-Z everything you need to pursue your dream, God is listening) 

3) Focus (Develop a tunnel vision and focus on your dream) 

4) Complete Daily Task-(Complete one task every day that moves you closer to your dream)

5) Wait (Wait for your dream to come true)

6) Celebrate the small things ( It’s not always about the “big” goal, it’s the “small” goals that get you to the end result. Remember to celebrate those moments. Hey, you are further than you were yesterday, right!! So, yes pat yourself on the back!!!

7) DO NOT GIVE UP!!! (reach…………far)

Now, you may have to repeat steps 1-7 more than once. I know I have, many times. Ok, sit back, relax, and watch as your life unfolds….Oh and don’t forget your popcorn!!! Watch and see what God does next!!! 

love, peace, & courage