Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New You!!! (10 Year Anniversary Edition)

Happy New You,

Are you excited about this year? I am!! Why? because I know God has some amazing blessings for us this year!! 

I hope you don't mind, I wanted to go down memory lane with you to share how God will give you an idea (assignment) and that assignment brings you so much knowledge and growth. 

acts of service, express!! History

2006-  Jan. 13, 2006 the first weekly email was sent to 10 people 
Theme: God got me through another week, Amen.
2007- A prayer and prayer list was included in the emails, the list grows to 22 people, and       emails are monthly 

2008- "monday motivation" began. The first year services were offered such as Message Magazine subscription, books from various authors, monthly emails, weekly emails, inspirational text messages. The list grows to 32 people 

2009- Readers were asked to pray for others for specific reasons. I published my first poetry cd. Preparation for mission trip to Korea (online course, application, visa, and passport)
Theme: believe.ask.wait

2010- "monday motivation" added pictures/images along with short thoughts. Sharing experiences from mission trip in Korea. People started to write me back with encouraging words. The list grows to 96 people.  A young adult edition was started

2011- first year of the PDF attachment with a Korean inspiration to it. Content was more story based. Experiences from mission trip in Spangle, WA was shared.  The list grows to 100+ people. Readers continue to reply with encouragement. My poetry cd is available online

2012- donation letters to support me attending Bible School were included in emails. Music was added to the content. 
Theme: believe.ask.wait.listen.act.grow.freedom.

2013- the blog, “trains & stop signs” began. Experiences from Bible School were shared. Completed  3 month training in Bible School and with donations, personal financial input, and 3 school scholarships, my tuition was paid in full. 

2014- spoke at my first church event since graduating from Bible School.  I was the Woman's Day speaker for an evening program. The list grows to 150+ people
Theme:  love, peace, and courage  

2015- 10 Year Anniversary and final exam from my assignment. Presenting a Youth Ministry Training on Evangelism, Spiritual Development, and Service. Blog will continue by sharing how God speaks to us in every day experiences
Theme: Go Higher
Theme: "Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer"~ Dan Brown

Why did all of these emails start? because of two reasons. One, I remember one day asking God, “How can I share you with others? Time went by……I remember that day just like it was yesterday, I was sitting at my computer and I asked again in my heart, how can I share you with others? I heard an audible response, “Write.” Two, because I sent an email to 10 people and asked if anyone would like inspirational emails sent to them and one person responded, "yes." 

Lesson #1: Going Higher & "Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer"~ Dan Brown

God gives you a gift and others need you to use that gift to bless them. It's now 10 years later and it all started because I asked God what he wanted me to do. He answered me and it was up to me to follow His lead.  My life has been so blessed because of these emails, because I was able to use something that I really enjoy to help others.

January 2015: Task #1
Please help me to celebrate 10 years of writing, by choosing 10 people that you will put on your prayer list and pray for them throughout this month. Why do I ask this, because I know I have only been able to achieve what I have in my life, because of God and those who prayed for me. 

be inspired and be inspiring,

the gyvonni project 


  1. Praise God for your obedience. I pray that God will richly bless you beyond anything you can imagine for sharing your gift with me and others!

    1. Thank you!!! Is this Tiffiany A.? I'm looking forward to those blessings beyond anything I could imagine :) :)

  2. Blessed! I also pray that God will bless you beyond your expectations. Continue to use your gifts to bless others.

    1. Thank you!!! Wow, two prayers for blessings beyond my thoughts...I'm really liking the way this prayer chain is going :D
