Thursday, November 26, 2015

i am grateful because....(10 year Anniversary Edition)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

So, what are you grateful for this day? I'm sure a lot of things bring you great joy. Praise God for all of his blessings!!  I hope you are enjoying this day with a lot of love, hope, and gratitude in your heart. There are so many things to be thankful for, right!!

Theme: Going Higher & "Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer"~ Dan Brown

Lesson #7:

A key component of going higher with our relationship with God is having a grateful heart.    Your purpose gets clearer, your days become sweeter, your time with God is consistently enjoyable and becomes a large part of your daily activity. The higher you go, the more you are able to realize just how blessed you are. 

November 2015: Task #7

This month, let's write a list of 20 things we are grateful for. 1...2....3...4...5...,etc. 

love, peace, and courage,

the gyvonni project

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